
Telugu thriller story trailer: Naaku nuvvu telusa?


Jana sagaram lo munigi poyina nagaram lo..
Hyderabad City view, slow motion road meeda naduchukuntu Bejawada Vijay (hero) vastuntadu.. flash back scene okati flash avthundi, appudu vache dialogue "Give this mission to Bejawada Vijay". 

Mass ga getup veskunna Vijay ni choosi okadu antadu "Eedu detective aa, choodaniki aade dongalaaga unnadu"

Few members crying in front of dead body, Vijay murder jargina building Loki enter avtunna scene. 
BGM start, Chai taaguthu oka agent inko agent ki cheppe dialogue "Vijay handle chesina okka case lo nu thappu chesinavaadu thapinchukolekapoyaru" 

Vijay rowdilatho fight chestunna oka scene. Smile isthu roof top meeda edge lo padkoni Vijay cheppe dialogue "naaku yevaryna appadam chepthe atte telisipoddi" 

Main road oka vypuna Vijay nilapadaddu, Dialogue by Vijay "5 samvasraluga chestunna na duty lo yeppudu nenu bayapadledu" slow motion transition from Vijay to Villian, Villian smiles with evilness in his eyes. Dialogue by Vijay "Kaani motta modatisariga aa kallalo unna cruratvam, aa navvu lo unna confidence, Nannu thatti lepindi. Ee sale gadini ippudu vadileste inkeppudu pattukolenu anpinchindi "

Vijay aa vypu nundi evathalaki parugeduthadu, road lo vehicles traffic undadam valla aagi aagi vastadu, anthalone villian maayam. Vijay mobile moguthundi, Vijay dialogue "Manam vethukuthunna prime suspect ni choosanu"

Vijay, chenipoyina person ki sambandinchina information antha ground pyna vistarinchadu, tension lo annitini set chestu cheppe dialogue "Yevaru nuvvu, yenduku murder chesav" 

Last ki venuka nundi oka vekti Vijay thalaki thupaki petti aduguthaadu, "pranam kaavala Leda saakshi kaavala" 


Have thriller and unique crime story, for complete story kindly contact productfeelgood@gmail.com


chapter 27: That's not destiny, That's a choice

Jay held Aria's hand and led her towards the green land. They sat down and enjoyed the gentle breeze and the aroma of the flowers around them. Pointing towards the east, Jay said, "I found this place when I came to meet one of my friends. Over there is a botanical garden filled with plants inside and trees outside. My friend works in the botanical lab, and they're responsible for growing these beautiful flowers, trees, and plants."

Jay had thought of bringing Aria to this place many times, but they were usually busy in the mornings, and he wasn't sure if the view would be the same at night.

"I asked the owner for permission to spend a few hours here, and I promised not to damage any plants," Jay chuckled and explained.

Aria smiled and replied, "I'll keep that in mind."

They both lay down and gazed up at the beautiful clouds, which looked like white and orange cotton floating gracefully with the wind.

After a few minutes, Aria asked Jay, "Do you believe in destiny?"

Jay pondered the question for a moment and replied, "I don't know if I believe in destiny, but I do believe that we have the power to create our own future. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Aria. That's not destiny, that's a choice."

Aria replied, "That's true, but if I hadn't gone to that party or if you hadn't followed me that day, or if I had forgotten meeting you because I was drunk, then perhaps I wouldn't be in this beautiful place now, holding your warm hand and lying next to you."

Jay smiled and said, "Maybe it was destiny that brought us together, but it was our choice to stay together."

Aria looked into his eyes and said, "I'm glad we chose each other."

They both lay in silence for a few more moments, enjoying the serene atmosphere. Jay said "The sunrise is beautiful isn't it" Aria responded "Yeah".
They reminisced about their journey together and how they had supported each other through hard times and shared many happy moments. They had started as complete strangers with different opinions, but now their fate was intertwined as they couldn't imagine living without each other's presence in their lives.

Upon receiving a message from his friend, Jay decided to take Aria to the botanical lab where he introduced her to his friend Michael. During their encounter, Aria and Michael engaged in conversation about Jay and even teased him a bit. Seeing the smile on Aria's face brought a sense of relief to Jay.


 Chapters list:

Chapter 27: That's not destiny, That's a choice

Chapter 26: The emotional rollercoaster

Chapter 25: The thought behind words

Chapter 24: A blank space between us

Chapter 23: I care about her

Chapter 22: The maze of life

Chapter21: Against all odds

Chapter 20: Desperate measures

Chapter 19: The Road to intimacy

Chapter 18: Beware of love

Chapter 17: Why should I?

Chapter 16: The riddle of reality

Chapter 15: The way you shine

Chapter 14: Finding my way to you

Chapter 13: Between you and me?

Chapter 12: The way you entice me

Chapter 11: Captivated by you

Chapter 10: Universe in you

Chapter 9: Unfolding heart

Chapter 8: Golden hours

Chapter 7: Chemistry in denial

Chapter 6: A Journey of connection

Chapter 5: He can hear my heartbeat

Chapter 4: Curious about you

Chapter 3: Who are you

Chapter 2: Was not so nice to meet you

Chapter 1: Self love vs hate myself



Do you get Dreams?

I saw a ghost in my dream yesterday, it felt real and felt unsophisticated but as I don't fear of ghosts, I played along with the dream. When I woke up in the morning, I don't remember much except that uneasy feeling. If you think too deeply then thoughts get complicated and I don't even know if it's real or just a dream.


Dreaming is a mysterious phenomenon that has intrigued scientists, philosophers, and artists alike for centuries. Despite numerous theories and studies, the true nature of dreaming remains elusive. However, recent advancements in neuroscience and psychology have shed light on the science behind dreaming, revealing fascinating insights into the sleeping mind. In this article, we will explore the mysteries of dreaming and the latest research on this intriguing topic.


The Sleep Cycle


Before delving into the specifics of dreaming, it is important to understand the basics of the sleep cycle. Sleep is a complex process that involves various stages and physiological changes throughout the night. These stages are typically broken down into two main categories: REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep.


Non-REM sleep is further divided into three stages: stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3 (also known as slow-wave sleep). During stage 1, which typically lasts only a few minutes, the body begins to relax and brain activity slows down. In stage 2, brain activity slows even further, and the body temperature drops. Finally, in stage 3, the brain produces slow, deep waves, and the body enters a state of deep relaxation


What is Dreaming?


Dreaming is a complex and multifaceted experience that occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, one of the five stages of sleep. During REM sleep, the brain becomes highly active, and the eyes move rapidly back and forth, hence the name. This is in contrast to non-REM sleep, during which the brain activity is much lower, and the eyes remain still.


Dreams are typically visual and involve a range of sensory experiences, including sound, touch, taste, and smell. They can be vivid, emotional, and bizarre, and they often involve a sequence of events or storylines. Dreams can be influenced by a variety of factors, including previous experiences, emotions, and memories.


Why Do We Dream?


Despite extensive research, the purpose of dreaming remains a matter of debate. Several theories have been proposed over the years, and while each has its own merits, none provides a complete explanation of why we dream.


One theory suggests that dreaming helps us to process and consolidate memories. During sleep, the brain replays and consolidates memories from the day, which can contribute to learning and memory retention. Dreams may be a side effect of this memory processing, allowing the brain to make connections between new and existing information.


Another theory suggests that dreaming serves an emotional function, allowing us to process and regulate our emotions. Dreams may provide a safe space for us to explore and confront difficult emotions, such as fear or anxiety, without the constraints of waking life.


A third theory suggests that dreaming is a byproduct of the brain's attempt to make sense of the random neural activity that occurs during REM sleep. This theory, known as the activation-synthesis theory, proposes that the brain creates a narrative or storyline to make sense of this activity, resulting in the bizarre and often surreal nature of dreams.


Did you come across any bizarre or beautiful dreams today.. comment below and let us know your feelings and thoughts about dreams.

Pride of Bangalore ( cubbon park)

Today I got notification that 1year back memory from my photos. A year back at this time I visited cubbon park. The view of cherry blossom trees and newly born leaves in summer attracts my eyes the most. The beauty of Cubbon Park in spring is indescribable. 

Cubbon Park is one of the most beautiful and popular parks in Bangalore, India. Spread over an area of about 300 acres, it is a green oasis in the midst of the bustling city. The park is named after Sir Mark Cubbon, who was the Commissioner of Mysore during the British rule in India. It was established in 1870 and has since then been a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike. The park is home to several species of trees, plants, and birds, making it a paradise for nature lovers. In the spring season, Cubbon Park takes on an even more enchanting beauty.

Spring is the season of renewal, rejuvenation, and new beginnings. As winter recedes and the temperatures begin to rise, nature comes alive with new energy. The first sign of spring in Cubbon Park is the blooming of flowers. The park is home to several species of flowering plants, and in spring, they burst into a riot of colors. The most prominent of these flowers is the Tabebuia Rosea, also known as the Pink Poui. These trees are native to South America but have been planted extensively in the park. When they bloom, they create a breathtaking pink canopy over the park.

Apart from the Tabebuia Rosea, there are several other flowers that bloom in spring. The Golden Shower Tree, the Jacaranda, the Gulmohar, and the Flame of the Forest are just a few of the flowers that add to the beauty of Cubbon Park in spring. These flowers attract a variety of butterflies and bees, making the park a haven for pollinators.


The beauty of Cubbon Park in spring is not limited to its flowers. The park is also home to several species of trees that shed their leaves in winter and sprout new ones in spring. The most prominent of these trees is the Rain Tree. These trees are named so because they have leaves that close up in response to rain. In spring, they shed their old leaves and sprout new ones, creating a lush green canopy over the park. The Gulmohar tree is another tree that sheds its leaves in winter and sprouts new ones in spring. When they bloom, they create a stunning orange-red canopy over the park.

Apart from the flowers and trees, Cubbon Park is also home to several species of birds. In spring, these birds are more active and can be seen flitting around the park. The most common bird in Cubbon Park is the Indian Pond Heron. These birds can be seen wading in the park's ponds and water bodies, looking for fish and other aquatic creatures to eat. Other birds that can be spotted in Cubbon Park in spring include the Common Myna, the Red-vented Bulbul, the Indian Robin, and the Purple Sunbird.

In addition to its natural beauty, Cubbon Park is also home to several monuments and statues. The most prominent of these is the statue of Sir Mark Cubbon, after whom the park is named. The statue is located in the center of the park and is surrounded by a beautiful garden. Other monuments in the park include the Bangalore High Court, the State Archaeological Museum, and the Sheshadri Iyer Memorial Hall.

Cubbon Park is not just a place for nature lovers and history buffs. It is also a popular spot for joggers, walkers, and fitness enthusiasts. The park has several jogging tracks and walking paths that are well-maintained and provide a peaceful environment for exercise. Visit this place early morning or evening times because temperature of bangalore city on summer is high this year. There are also several open spaces in the park where people can practice yoga, meditation, and other forms of exercise.

Are you alone? lonely or solitude? know your emotions

Understanding and managing emotions is an important part of emotional intelligence, and can lead to improved mental health and well-being. Human emotions are complex and varied, ranging from happiness and joy to sadness and anger. Emotions can be both positive and negative, and can range in intensity from mild to intense.

It is hard to understand other person behaviour or mindset but you can try to understand yours, not for sake of others but you to be happy, to have confidence and self love towards yourself.

Solitude, loneliness, and alone are related concepts but they have different meanings and implications. In this article i am explaining the difference between them and kindly understand and know where you stand.

Solitude refers to being alone, but not necessarily feeling lonely. It can be a positive experience, a time for self-reflection, contemplation, and relaxation. People seek solitude to recharge, to find inspiration or to engage in hobbies or creative activities.

Loneliness is a feeling of isolation or disconnection from others. It can be experienced even when surrounded by people, and it can be triggered by different factors, such as social rejection, loss of a loved one, or a major life transition. Loneliness can have negative consequences on mental and physical health, such as depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease.

Alone simply refers to being by oneself, without the presence of others. It can be a neutral term, without any positive or negative connotations. For example, someone may enjoy spending time alone to read a book or watch a movie, while someone else may feel uncomfortable being alone in a new and unfamiliar place.

In summary, solitude can be a positive and intentional experience, loneliness is a negative feeling of disconnection from others, and alone is a neutral term that simply means being by oneself. I was in state of loneliness and came across being alone too but by healing myself and growing little by little every day, now I am in state of solitude with peaceful mindset.


Finding family harmony

Finding family harmony is essential to maintaining a healthy and happy family. With busy schedules, work obligations, and different personalities, it can be challenging to create a peaceful and cohesive family unit. We will have many questions like how to increase the creativity of kids and parents? Or how to help kids to find their passion and inner peace? However, it is possible to improve the relationship between family members, increase creativity, and help kids find their passion and inner peace.


Improving the Relationship Between Family Members: 

One of the most crucial aspects of finding family harmony is improving the relationship between family members. Here are some tips:


Prioritize Communication: 

Communication is key to a healthy relationship. It's important to encourage family members to express their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner. This can be done by setting aside time for family meetings or one-on-one conversations. During these conversations, active listening and empathy should be prioritized.


Show Empathy: 

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It's important to teach kids and adults alike to be empathetic towards each other. This can be done by modeling empathy, pointing out when someone else is showing empathy, and encouraging empathy-building activities like volunteering or community service.


Spend Quality Time Together: 

Spending quality time together can help to build stronger relationships. This can be done by engaging in activities that the entire family enjoys, such as playing board games, watching a movie, or going for a walk. It's also important to prioritize one-on-one time with each family member to strengthen individual relationships.


Learn to Compromise: 

Compromise is essential in any relationship. It's important to teach kids and adults alike to negotiate and find a middle ground when conflicts arise. This can be done by modeling good negotiation skills, pointing out when someone is being flexible or compromising, and encouraging creative problem-solving.


Increasing the Creativity of Kids and Parents: 

Creativity is an essential aspect of personal growth and development. It's important to encourage kids and parents to engage in creative activities to foster creativity and imagination. Here are some tips:


Provide Open-Ended Toys and Materials:

Providing kids with open-ended toys and materials, such as blocks, clay, or paint, can encourage creativity and imagination. These materials allow kids to create whatever they can imagine and build important skills like problem-solving and spatial reasoning.


Encourage Play: 

Play is essential for creativity and imagination. Encourage kids and parents alike to engage in play, whether that be through traditional games like tag or make-believe play.


Encourage Artistic Expression: 

Artistic expression is an essential part of creativity. Encourage kids and parents to engage in artistic activities like drawing, painting, or sculpture.


Take Field Trips: 

Taking field trips to art museums, botanical gardens, or other cultural institutions can inspire creativity and imagination. These experiences can provide new ideas and inspiration for creative projects and activities.


Helping Kids Find Their Passion and Inner Peace:

 Helping kids find their passion and inner peace can be challenging, but it is essential for their overall wellbeing. Here are some tips:


Encourage Exploration: 

Encourage kids to try new activities and explore their interests. This can help them discover what they are passionate about and what brings them joy.


Provide Support: 

Provide emotional and logistical support for kids as they explore their interests. This can include enrolling them in classes or providing resources like books or materials.


Teach Mindfulness: 

Teaching mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help kids find inner peace and manage stress and anxiety.


Model Self-Care: 

Model self-care practices like getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in physical activity. Encourage kids to prioritize their physical and mental health.



Finding family harmony is essential for maintaining a happy and healthy family unit. Improving the relationship between family members, increasing creativity, and helping kids will give inner peace to parents.

Speaking in public (how to overcome the fear of the audience, minimal approaches to presentations, etc.)

Speaking in public can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with practice and some helpful tips, you can overcome your fear and become a confident and effective public speaker. Here are some approaches to help you improve your public speaking skills:


Prepare and Practice: 

Prepare your speech or presentation well in advance, and practice it several times. Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself and watch the playback, or practice in front of a friend or family member. This will help you feel more comfortable with the material and confident in your delivery.


Know Your Audience: 

Learn about your audience in advance, if possible. This will help you tailor your message to their interests and needs, and make them more receptive to your ideas.


Start Strong: 

Begin your presentation with a strong opening that captures the audience's attention and sets the tone for the rest of your talk. This could be a story, a surprising fact, a quote, or a rhetorical question.


Keep It Simple: 

Avoid using jargon, complex language, or too many technical terms. Speak in a clear and concise manner that is easy to understand.


Use Visual Aids: 

Visual aids such as slides, charts, or diagrams can help illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging. Be sure to keep them simple and uncluttered, and avoid using too many.


Engage the Audience: 

Engage the audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, or telling a relevant story. This will help keep them interested and focused on your presentation.


Stay Calm:

If you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes, and your audience is likely rooting for you to succeed.


Practice Active Listening: 

Pay attention to your audience's reactions and adjust your presentation as needed. If they seem bored or confused, try to change your approach to better engage them.


Remember, public speaking is a skill that can be improved with practice. By following these tips and techniques, you can become a confident and effective public speaker.


How to become a better writer

Becoming a better writer takes time, practice, and dedication. Here are some tips to help you improve your writing skills:


Read extensively: 

Reading widely can help you understand different writing styles and techniques. You can learn a lot from other writers by studying their work.

Write every day: 

Practice makes perfect. Set aside some time every day to write, even if it's just for a few minutes.


Get feedback: 

Share your writing with others and ask for constructive feedback. Consider joining a writing group or taking a writing class to get regular feedback.


Edit your work: 

After you finish writing, take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes. Edit your work for clarity, conciseness, and consistency.


Learn grammar and punctuation: 

Good writing requires good grammar and punctuation. Study the rules of grammar and practice using them correctly.


Experiment with different styles: 

Try writing in different styles, such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and journalism. This can help you develop your own unique voice.


Set goals: 

Set specific goals for your writing, such as completing a certain number of pages or finishing a manuscript by a specific date.


Keep learning: 

Writing is a lifelong learning process. Keep reading and studying the craft, and always be open to new ideas and techniques.


Remember, becoming a better writer takes time and effort. But with consistent practice and dedication, you can improve your skills and become a successful writer.


Blog Design for Non-Designers.

Creating a visually appealing and user-friendly blog or website is essential to attract and retain visitors. However, not everyone has the budget or the design skills to create a professional-looking website. In this article, we will share some tips and tools that can help non-designers create stunning websites without spending a fortune.


Choose a user-friendly website builder

One of the easiest ways to create a website without any coding knowledge is by using a website builder. There are several website builders available, such as Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress. These website builders come with pre-designed templates that you can customize to suit your needs. They are also user-friendly, making it easy for non-designers to create a website.


Keep it simple

When designing a website, it's easy to get carried away with fancy designs and animations. However, it's important to remember that simplicity is key. A clean and simple design is not only visually appealing, but it also makes it easier for visitors to navigate your website.


Choose a color scheme

Choosing a color scheme is an important part of website design. Colors can evoke emotions and help create a mood or theme for your website. It's important to choose a color scheme that aligns with your brand and message. You can use tools like Coolors, Adobe Color, or Canva to help you choose a color scheme.


Use high-quality images

Using high-quality images is another way to make your website look professional. You can find free stock photos on websites like Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay. Alternatively, you can take your own photos using a smartphone or camera.


Use typography effectively

Typography is the art of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. Choosing the right font is crucial to create a professional-looking website. Google Fonts is a great resource for finding free fonts that you can use on your website.


Add white space

White space is the area between design elements. It can help improve the readability and visual appeal of your website. Adding white space can also make your website look more organized and less cluttered.


Optimize your website for mobile devices

More than half of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Therefore, it's essential to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. You can use a responsive design that automatically adjusts the layout of your website depending on the size of the screen.


In conclusion, designing a professional-looking website doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. By following these tips and using the right tools, even non-designers can create stunning websites that attract and retain visitors.


How to win arguments without losing friends

Arguing can be a difficult and complex process, and it can be easy to become emotional and frustrated during the course of an argument. Arguments can be particularly challenging when they involve close friends or family members, as the stakes can be higher and the potential for hurt feelings and damaged relationships is greater. However, it is possible to win arguments without losing friends if you approach the process in a constructive and respectful way.

In this article, we will explore some strategies and techniques for winning arguments without losing friends, including the importance of empathy, active listening, staying calm, and finding common ground.


One of the most important strategies for winning arguments without losing friends is to practice empathy. Empathy involves putting yourself in the shoes of the other person and trying to understand their perspective and feelings. When you practice empathy, you are better able to see the argument from the other person's point of view, which can help you to find common ground and work towards a solution that satisfies both parties. 

To practice empathy, start by actively listening to the other person's point of view. This means paying attention to what they are saying, asking questions to clarify their position, and acknowledging their feelings and emotions. Try to avoid interrupting or dismissing their opinions, even if you disagree with them.


Another way to practice empathy is to use "I" statements instead of "you" statements when expressing your own opinions. For example, instead of saying "You're wrong about this," try saying "I see it differently." This approach is less confrontational and can help to defuse any defensiveness on the part of the other person.

 Active Listening:

 Active listening is another important strategy for winning arguments without losing friends. Active listening involves not just hearing what the other person is saying, but also understanding their underlying concerns and motivations. When you actively listen, you are better able to identify areas of agreement and disagreement, and you can work towards finding common ground.

 To practice active listening, start by paying close attention to the other person's words and body language. Try to avoid distractions and focus on what they are saying. Ask open-ended questions to clarify their position, and repeat back what they have said to ensure that you understand their perspective.

 Staying Calm:

 Staying calm is essential when trying to win an argument without losing friends. When emotions run high, it can be difficult to think clearly and rationally, and you may say or do things that you later regret. To stay calm, try taking deep breaths, counting to ten, or taking a break to collect your thoughts.

 Another way to stay calm is to focus on the issue at hand rather than the person. Avoid personal attacks or insults, and try to keep the conversation focused on the facts and the issues rather than the personalities involved.

 Finding Common Ground:

 Finally, finding common ground is essential when trying to win an argument without losing friends. When you can identify areas of agreement, you can build on those to work towards a solution that satisfies both parties. Finding common ground can also help to defuse any defensiveness or hostility on the part of the other person.

To find common ground, start by acknowledging any areas of agreement or shared concerns. This can help to build trust and establish a foundation for the discussion. Look for ways to compromise or find middle ground, and be willing to consider different perspectives and solutions.


Winning an argument without losing friends is a delicate balancing act that requires empathy, active listening, staying calm, and finding common ground. By practicing these strategies and techniques, you can improve your chances of winning an argument while also preserving your relationships with those you care about. Remember that arguments are a natural and healthy part of any relationship, and that it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.