
Are you alone? lonely or solitude? know your emotions

Understanding and managing emotions is an important part of emotional intelligence, and can lead to improved mental health and well-being. Human emotions are complex and varied, ranging from happiness and joy to sadness and anger. Emotions can be both positive and negative, and can range in intensity from mild to intense.

It is hard to understand other person behaviour or mindset but you can try to understand yours, not for sake of others but you to be happy, to have confidence and self love towards yourself.

Solitude, loneliness, and alone are related concepts but they have different meanings and implications. In this article i am explaining the difference between them and kindly understand and know where you stand.

Solitude refers to being alone, but not necessarily feeling lonely. It can be a positive experience, a time for self-reflection, contemplation, and relaxation. People seek solitude to recharge, to find inspiration or to engage in hobbies or creative activities.

Loneliness is a feeling of isolation or disconnection from others. It can be experienced even when surrounded by people, and it can be triggered by different factors, such as social rejection, loss of a loved one, or a major life transition. Loneliness can have negative consequences on mental and physical health, such as depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease.

Alone simply refers to being by oneself, without the presence of others. It can be a neutral term, without any positive or negative connotations. For example, someone may enjoy spending time alone to read a book or watch a movie, while someone else may feel uncomfortable being alone in a new and unfamiliar place.

In summary, solitude can be a positive and intentional experience, loneliness is a negative feeling of disconnection from others, and alone is a neutral term that simply means being by oneself. I was in state of loneliness and came across being alone too but by healing myself and growing little by little every day, now I am in state of solitude with peaceful mindset.

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