
Self defense training (“for women” or “for children” or “for business executives”)

Self-defense is a crucial skill that can help individuals protect themselves and their loved ones in dangerous situations. While everyone can benefit from learning self-defense, there are specific groups that may benefit from tailored training programs. In this article, we will discuss self-defense training for women, children, and business executives.

Self-Defense Training for Women:

Women are more likely to be victims of physical assault and harassment than men. Therefore, self-defense training is essential for women to protect themselves and feel more confident and empowered. Women's self-defense training focuses on teaching women how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations, as well as physical techniques to defend themselves.

Here are some techniques that may be covered in women's self-defense training:

Basic strikes: Punches, kicks, and elbow strikes can be effective in disabling an attacker.

Escapes: Techniques such as grabbing and pulling away from an attacker, or twisting out of a hold can help women escape from an attacker's grasp.

Ground defense: Techniques for defending oneself while on the ground can be crucial, as attackers may try to take women down to the ground.

Verbal de-escalation: Techniques for communicating with an attacker can help women avoid violence altogether.

Self-Defense Training for Children:

Children can be vulnerable targets for predators, and teaching them self-defense can help them protect themselves and build confidence. Children's self-defense training focuses on teaching children how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations, as well as techniques to protect themselves.

Here are some techniques that may be covered in children's self-defense training:

Basic strikes: Children can be taught basic strikes such as punches and kicks to defend themselves.

Verbal self-defense: Children can be taught how to use their voices to deter attackers or seek help from bystanders.

Escapes: Children can learn how to escape from an attacker's grasp or avoid being picked up.

Boundary-setting: Children can be taught how to recognize and assert their boundaries with peers and adults alike.

Self-Defense Training for Business Executives:

Business executives may be at risk of physical harm while traveling or working in high-risk environments. Self-defense training can help them protect themselves in these situations and feel more confident and in control.

Here are some techniques that may be covered in self-defense training for business executives:

Threat assessment: Business executives can learn how to assess potential threats in a situation and take steps to protect themselves.

Discreet techniques: Executives can learn techniques for defending themselves without drawing attention to themselves or escalating a situation.

Escape techniques: Executives can learn how to escape from situations and navigate crowded environments.

Communication and negotiation: Executives can learn how to communicate with attackers and negotiate their way out of potentially violent situations.

In conclusion, self-defense training is an essential skill that everyone can benefit from. Tailored training programs for women, children, and business executives can help individuals protect themselves and feel more confident and in control in potentially dangerous situations.

Mind strengthening (mind over matter/ lucid dreaming)

The power of the mind is a fascinating subject. From ancient times, philosophers and scientists have been interested in exploring the mysteries of the human mind. Today, with the help of modern technology and research, we have a better understanding of the incredible potential of the human brain. In this article, we will discuss two fascinating ways to strengthen the mind: mind over matter and lucid dreaming.

Mind Over Matter:

The phrase "mind over matter" refers to the power of the mind to control the body. It suggests that with the right mindset and focus, we can overcome physical limitations and achieve amazing things. This idea is not new. It has been around for centuries, and many people have used it to accomplish extraordinary feats.

One example of mind over matter is the story of Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman." Hof is a Dutch extreme athlete who has broken multiple world records for withstanding extreme cold. He attributes his ability to withstand cold temperatures to his mental training, which involves techniques such as deep breathing and meditation.

Another example is the story of Morris Goodman, also known as "The Miracle Man." Goodman was a successful businessman who became paralyzed after a plane crash. Doctors told him he would never walk or talk again, but he refused to accept that. He started visualizing himself walking and talking again, and after months of mental training, he defied the odds and regained his ability to walk and talk.

These stories illustrate the power of the mind to control the body. While not everyone can achieve extreme feats like Hof or Goodman, we can all benefit from strengthening our minds. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Practice meditation or mindfulness: Both of these practices can help you develop a stronger mind by increasing your focus and awareness.

Visualize your goals: Like Goodman, you can use visualization to help you achieve your goals. Visualize yourself succeeding, and your mind will work to make that vision a reality.

Challenge yourself: Push yourself to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. This will help you build mental resilience and strengthen your mind.

Lucid Dreaming:

Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and control the content of your dreams. It's a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the interest of many researchers and enthusiasts. Lucid dreaming can be a powerful tool for strengthening the mind, as it involves training the brain to be more aware and in control.

Here are some tips for practicing lucid dreaming:

Keep a dream journal: Record your dreams every morning, as this can help you become more aware of the patterns and themes in your dreams.

Reality checks: Throughout the day, ask yourself if you are dreaming. This will train your brain to become more aware and recognize when you are dreaming.

Practice visualization: Like mind over matter, visualization can help you control the content of your dreams. Before going to sleep, visualize what you want to dream about.

Meditation: Meditation can help you relax and clear your mind before sleep, which can lead to more lucid dreams.

In conclusion, mind strengthening is a fascinating subject with many potential benefits. Mind over matter and lucid dreaming are two powerful techniques for strengthening the mind. By practicing these techniques, we can develop greater mental resilience, awareness, and control, which can help us achieve our goals and live more fulfilling lives.

The art of getting what you want

The art of getting what you want can be broken down into two key elements: confidence and technique. With the right mindset and skills, you can achieve your goals in life, relationships, and career.


Here are some tips on how to use confidence and technique to get what you want:

Know what you want: 

The first step to getting what you want is to know exactly what it is that you want. Be specific and clear about your goals, whether they're related to your personal life, relationships, or career.

Believe in yourself:

Confidence is key to achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Recognize your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses. Remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.


Be assertive: 

Don't be afraid to assert yourself and ask for what you want. Be clear and direct in your communication. Speak up and express your needs and desires. Avoid being passive or aggressive, and find a balance that is assertive yet respectful.

Develop your negotiation skills: 

Negotiation is an important skill when it comes to getting what you want. Learn how to negotiate effectively, and be willing to compromise when necessary. Focus on finding a win-win solution that benefits everyone involved.


Build strong relationships: 

Strong relationships are important for achieving your goals. Invest time and effort in building positive relationships with the people around you, whether they're family, friends, or colleagues. Be genuine, honest, and supportive.


Be persistent:

Persistence is key when it comes to achieving your goals. Don't give up when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Keep pushing forward, and be willing to adjust your approach when necessary.


Take action: 

Finally, take action towards your goals. Don't just talk about what you want to achieve, but take concrete steps towards making it happen. Set achievable goals, develop a plan of action, and start taking steps towards making your dreams a reality.




Remember that getting what you want takes time and effort. Be patient, stay focused, and keep working towards your goals. With the right mindset and skills, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


Careers vs jobs: following your passion

Choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions a person will make in their life. It can determine their future success, happiness, and financial stability. But the question that often arises is whether one should follow their passion or choose a career that promises job security and financial stability. This article explores the difference between careers and jobs and delves into the debate of following your passion or choosing a more stable career path.

Careers vs Jobs:

The terms "career" and "job" are often used interchangeably, but they are quite different. A job is a specific position or role that a person holds within an organization. It is often temporary, and the employee can move on to another job if they desire. On the other hand, a career is a long-term profession that a person builds over time. It involves a set of skills, education, and experiences that allow a person to progress and grow within their field.

The main difference between a job and a career is that a job is often short-term, while a career is a long-term commitment. Jobs are usually done to earn money, while careers involve a passion for the work and a desire to achieve long-term goals.

Following your Passion:

One of the most common pieces of advice given to those starting their careers is to follow their passion. The idea is that if a person enjoys their work, they will be more motivated, productive, and ultimately successful. However, there are some challenges to following your passion.

Firstly, it can be difficult to identify what exactly one is passionate about. It's not always easy to know what will make a person happy in the long-term, especially if they have not yet gained significant work experience. Furthermore, many people have multiple interests and passions, which can make it challenging to choose one specific career path.

Secondly, following your passion can lead to financial instability. Many careers that people are passionate about, such as the arts or non-profit work, do not pay as well as other careers. While it's important to enjoy your work, it's also crucial to be able to support oneself and potentially a family.

Lastly, following your passion can be risky. Not every passion will lead to a successful career, and it's important to consider the potential risks and rewards of pursuing a certain career path. For example, becoming a professional athlete may be a passion for some, but the odds of succeeding in that career are very low.

Choosing Stability:

While following your passion can be exciting and rewarding, there is something to be said for choosing a more stable career path. A stable career offers job security, financial stability, and opportunities for growth and advancement.

One of the benefits of a stable career is that it allows a person to have a steady income and build a financial foundation. This can provide peace of mind and allow a person to focus on other aspects of their life, such as family or hobbies.

Additionally, a stable career often offers opportunities for growth and advancement. Many organizations prioritize internal promotion, which means that employees can progress in their careers without having to switch employers. This can provide a sense of security and allow a person to work towards long-term goals.

Lastly, a stable career can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. While it may not be as exciting or glamorous as following your passion, a stable career can allow a person to make a difference in their industry or community. It can also provide a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that they have built a successful career over time.

Finding a Balance:

Ultimately, the decision between following your passion and choosing stability is a personal one. Some people thrive on the excitement and challenge of following their passions, while others value the security and stability of a more traditional career path.

However, it's important to remember that there is a middle ground between these two extremes

How to be a good friend

Friendship is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Good friends help us through tough times, celebrate our successes, and make life more enjoyable. However, being a good friend is not always easy. It requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to be vulnerable. In this article, we will explore some of the key traits of a good friend and provide practical tips on how to be a good friend.

Be Trustworthy

Trust is the foundation of any good friendship. It is essential to be trustworthy if you want to build a strong and lasting friendship. Being trustworthy means being honest, keeping your promises, and respecting your friend's boundaries. You should also keep your friend's secrets and never betray their trust.

Be a Good Listener

One of the most important traits of a good friend is the ability to listen. When your friend talks, give them your full attention, and don't interrupt or judge them. Listening to your friend without trying to solve their problems shows that you value their thoughts and feelings.

Be Supportive

Being supportive means being there for your friend during both good and bad times. Celebrate their accomplishments and be there to comfort them when they're going through a tough time. Show empathy and understanding, and offer practical help when you can.

Be Honest

Honesty is another essential trait of a good friend. Being honest means telling your friend the truth, even if it's not what they want to hear. If your friend is doing something harmful, it's your responsibility to tell them, even if it's uncomfortable.

Be Respectful

Respect is crucial in any relationship, and friendship is no exception. Respect your friend's opinions, beliefs, and boundaries. Be sensitive to their feelings and don't do anything that would make them uncomfortable.

Be Positive

Being a positive influence in your friend's life is an important part of being a good friend. Encourage your friend, lift them up when they're feeling down, and help them see the bright side of things. A positive attitude can be infectious, and it can help your friend navigate through tough times.

Be Forgiving

No one is perfect, and conflicts can arise in any friendship. Being forgiving means letting go of grudges and being willing to work through disagreements. Forgiveness requires empathy and understanding, and it's an important part of building long-lasting friendships.

Be Respectful of Boundaries

Everyone has different boundaries, and it's essential to respect your friend's boundaries. If your friend is not comfortable discussing a certain topic or doing a certain activity, don't pressure them. Being respectful of boundaries shows that you value your friend's feelings and opinions.

Be Reliable

Being a reliable friend means keeping your promises and being there when your friend needs you. If you say you'll do something, follow through. If your friend needs help, be there for them, even if it's inconvenient for you.

Be Fun

Friendship is about having fun together and creating happy memories. Make time for fun activities with your friend, whether it's trying a new restaurant, going to a concert, or taking a day trip. Laughter and joy are essential parts of any healthy friendship.

Tips for Being a Good Friend

Now that we've explored some of the key traits of a good friend, here are some tips for being a good friend:

Communicate Openly

Communication is key in any relationship, including friendship. Be open and honest with your friend, and communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly. Don't assume that your friend knows how you're feeling or what you're thinking.

Show Appreciation

Let your friend know that you appreciate them. A simple "thank you" or "I appreciate you.

Self improvement / personal development

Everyone will have their own experiences or obstacles to share, this post is as per my experience and I can certainly provide you this article on self-improvement/personal development.

Self-improvement and personal development are essential aspects of living a fulfilling and happy life. Whether it's overcoming an obstacle or starting a new habit, self-improvement requires self-awareness, perseverance, and a willingness to change. In this article, we'll explore the importance of self-improvement and share tips on how to overcome obstacles and develop healthy habits.

Overcoming an Obstacle

Obstacles are a natural part of life, and we all face them at some point. The key to overcoming an obstacle is to approach it with a positive mindset and a willingness to learn. In my personal experience, I faced a significant obstacle when I was diagnosed with anxiety. At first, I was in denial and tried to ignore my symptoms, but eventually, I realized that I needed to take action.

I began by researching anxiety and seeking help from a therapist. Through therapy, I learned techniques to manage my anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation. I also started to make changes to my lifestyle, such as getting regular exercise and prioritizing self-care. It wasn't easy, but I persevered, and over time, I was able to overcome my anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

Starting a New Habit:

Starting a new habit can be challenging, but it's also one of the best ways to improve oneself. In my personal experience, I wanted to start a habit of reading more books, but I always found myself too busy or distracted to follow through. I realized that I needed to make reading a priority and incorporate it into my daily routine.

I started by setting a goal to read for at least 30 minutes every day. I also created a reading list of books that interested me and made a habit of carrying a book with me wherever I went. It wasn't easy at first, but over time, reading became a habit, and I found myself looking forward to my daily reading time. Not only did I improve my reading skills, but I also gained new insights and knowledge that enriched my life.

What I Learned:

Through my experiences with overcoming anxiety and starting a new reading habit, I learned several valuable lessons. First, self-awareness is critical when it comes to personal development. It's essential to be honest with oneself about one's strengths and weaknesses and to seek help when needed. Second, perseverance is essential when facing obstacles or trying to develop a new habit. It's easy to give up when things get tough, but it's important to keep pushing forward. Finally, small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. By making small changes to my lifestyle, such as regular exercise and prioritizing self-care, I was able to improve my overall well-being and overcome anxiety.

Another new habit I learned is growing plants. I was new to plant cultivation, so started with easy-to-care-for plants like succulents or herbs. As I  gain confidence and experience, I expanded my collection to more challenging plants.

Caring for plants can promote mindfulness, a practice that has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Mindfulness involves focusing your attention on the present moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. When you're tending to plants, you're engaging in a meditative practice that can help you focus on the present moment and reduce anxious thoughts. Plants can create a calming environment that can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety symptoms. Plants can improve indoor air quality by removing toxins and pollutants, which can benefit respiratory health and reduce stress on the body. Additionally, being surrounded by greenery and natural elements has been shown to improve mental health and promote feelings of calmness and well-being. 

In conclusion, self-improvement and personal development are essential aspects of living a fulfilling and happy life. By overcoming obstacles and starting healthy habits, one can develop self-awareness, perseverance, and a positive mindset. Remember that self-improvement is a journey, not a destination, and it's important to enjoy the process and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Note: if you came across some obstacles in your life and improved yourself by any new habits then comment below. 


                                                Tirupathi to Sri Kalahasti

Tirupathi and Srikalahasti are two popular tourist destinations located in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. While Tirupathi is known for the famous Venkateswara Temple and attracts millions of devotees every year, Srikalahasti is known for the Srikalahasteeswara Temple, a renowned Shiva temple known for its unique architecture and spiritual significance.

The distance between Tirupathi and Srikalahasti is approximately 36 kilometers by road, and there are several options available for travel between these two places.

One of the most popular and convenient ways to travel between Tirupathi and Srikalahasti is by bus. APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation) operates several local buses that run between these two places, making it an affordable and convenient option for tourists and devotees. The journey takes about 1 hour, depending on traffic.

Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi or a private car to travel between Tirupathi and Srikalahasti. This would be a more expensive option but provides you with more flexibility and convenience. The travel time may vary depending on the mode of transportation and the traffic conditions at the time of travel.

As you travel from Tirupathi to Srikalahasti, you will witness the natural beauty of the region, with lush green forests, hills, and fields stretching as far as the eye can see. The journey is quite scenic, and you can also stop at various points along the way to take pictures or enjoy the local food and culture.

Once you reach Srikalahasti, you will be greeted by the majestic Srikalahasteeswara Temple, which is one of the most revered Shiva temples in India. The temple is known for its unique architecture, with intricate carvings and sculptures adorning the walls and pillars. It is also believed to be one of the Pancha Bhoota Stalams, representing the element of air. Devotees come from all over the world to seek blessings from Lord Shiva and experience the spiritual energy of the temple.

There are few small temples around main temple, I have confused which was main temple at first but then with guidance of few people around reached main entrance. The people at small shops before main entrance will suggest you to buy lamps and flowers to do rahu and kethu pooja but those are not allowed inside the main temple because flowers and lamps will be provided by temple itself for special poojas. So we need to lit the lamp and use them in other small temples.

The temple's history dates back to the fifth century, during the Pallava dynasty. The temple was built by the Chola kings, who expanded and renovated it during their rule. The temple's architecture is a perfect blend of the Dravidian and Vijayanagara styles, with a unique gopuram or tower at the entrance, which stands at a height of 120 feet.

The Sri Kalahasti Temple is famous for its unique features that distinguish it from other Shiva temples in India. The temple is known for its Vayu Linga, which is one of the Panchabhoota Lingas, representing the element of air. The temple is also known as Dakshina Kailasam, which means Kailash of the South. It is believed that Lord Shiva himself resides in this temple and blesses the devotees who visit it.

The Sri Kalahasti Temple has a significant spiritual and mythological significance. According to the legend, the temple is built on the spot where Lord Shiva appeared before three devotees and blessed them. The three devotees were a spider, an elephant, and a snake, who were all ardent followers of Lord Shiva. The spider is believed to have weaved a web around Lord Shiva to protect him from the scorching sun, the elephant is believed to have washed the Lord's feet, and the snake is believed to have placed a gem on his forehead. These three incidents are said to have happened in the same spot, which is where the temple is now located.

The temple's rituals and customs are unique and have been followed for centuries. The temple is famous for its Rahu-Ketu Pooja, which is performed to ward off the ill effects of the planets Rahu and Ketu. The temple is also known for its Abhishekam, which is performed to the Vayu Linga with various materials like milk, honey, and ghee, to appease Lord Shiva and seek his blessings.

The Sri Kalahasti Temple is a must-visit destination for all spiritual seekers and devotees of Lord Shiva. The temple's ambiance, architecture, and rituals create an aura of spirituality that cannot be described in words. The temple also has a serene and peaceful atmosphere that calms the mind and soothes the soul.

In conclusion, the journey from Tirupathi to Srikalahasti is a memorable experience that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, spirituality, and cultural richness. Whether you are a devotee or a tourist, this journey is worth taking, and it will leave you with a sense of awe and wonder that will last a lifetime.

Note: These details are as per my experience in march, 2023. So if there are any changes at the time you read this article or if you have any other suggestions to add then please comment below because it will help other tourists.

My trip experience

                  Bangalore to Thirupathi

Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka, is a bustling hub of technology and culture. Known for its pleasant climate and cosmopolitan atmosphere, Bangalore offers an array of attractions for both locals and tourists. One of the popular destinations near Bangalore is Tirupati, a temple town located in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Tirupati is known for the Sri Venkateswara Temple, one of the most visited temples in the world. If you are planning a trip from Bangalore to Tirupati, here's all you need to know.

Modes of Transportation:

The distance between Bangalore and Tirupati is approximately 250 kilometers, and there are several modes of transportation available to reach Tirupati from Bangalore.

  1. By Road: The most popular mode of transportation from Bangalore to Tirupati is by road. Several buses operate between the two cities, both state-run and private. You can also hire a taxi or self-drive to Tirupati.
  2. By Train: Another convenient option is to take a train from Bangalore to Tirupati. Several trains operate between the two cities, including the Tirupati Express and the Kanyakumari Express.
  3. By Air: The nearest airport to Tirupati is the Tirupati Airport, which is well-connected to major cities in India. However, there are no direct flights from Bangalore to Tirupati.

Places to Visit:

Tirupati is known for its religious significance and the Sri Venkateswara Temple, which is a major attraction. The temple is located on the seven hills of Tirumala and is visited by millions of devotees every year. Other places to visit in Tirupati include:

  1. Sri Vari Museum: The museum showcases the history and culture of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, which manages the Sri Venkateswara Temple.
  2. Talakona Waterfalls: Located amidst the lush greenery of the Eastern Ghats, Talakona Waterfalls is a must-visit destination near Tirupati.
  3. Chandragiri Fort: Built in the 11th century, the Chandragiri Fort is a popular historical attraction near Tirupati.
  4. Sri Kalahasti Temple: The temple is located in the town of Srikalahasti, around 40 kilometers from Tirupati, and is known for its architectural beauty and religious significance.

Best Time to Visit:

The best time to visit Tirupati is from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for temple visits and sightseeing. Summers can be hot and humid, with temperatures soaring above 40 degrees Celsius. Monsoons are also not a great time to visit, as the region receives heavy rainfall, leading to landslides and roadblocks.

My experience:

I started my journey towards Tirupati via train(CMNR TPTY EXP-16219) at 8:30 PM and reached my destination at 4 AM. We have looked for a hotel nearby and booked but if you are going to Tirupathi temple by bus or other vehicles, I would like to suggest you to book a hotel near the temple. We planned to climb the steps so, we booked a hotel near the railway station. I wrote this blog so that many people will have a proper idea of transportation because I searched google for information and those were not updated and not useful in a real-time experience.

The first step to Tirupathi temple starts from Alipiri, which is 4kms from the railway station, auto ride or taxi may cost you from 100rs to 500rs per head, we can get buses also which cost you of 20rs. 

Once you reach alipiri, people will suggest you to remove your slippers, but we wore slippers and went until the temple. It is individual choice and belief but there are no restrictions as such from the temple(we enquired). Total steps are of 3550 and before the end of 500 steps, there are 4 to 5kms of road path to walk. You will see multiple small temples in between, there are water facilities from the temple side. There are many small shops in between, but we decided not to drink or eat anything until we reach lord Venkateswara, so we chanted govinda until we completed 3550 steps.

Once you reach the temple entrance you need to submit phones and luggages at the entrance and go to free darshan(surva darshan) or if you have tickets(special darshan/VIP) then you will get a different queue. Some of my friends suggested that we can get tickets at srivaru steps entrance so we went climbing the steps but that was two years back, and now we won't get tickets anywhere in between. Once you enter free darshan queue, they will divert you to the waiting room, the food, and drinks will be provided for every 2 hours. There will be a huge crowd and will be eager to see lord Venkateswara, the free darshan might take time for 12hrs to 2 days depending on the day you visit, so we have planned our journey on a weekday(2nd March 23). We reached the free line early morning(10 AM) so our waiting time was up to 5 pm. If you have special darshan /VIP tickets then darshan will be completed in 1 hour.

The lighting of a temple on the evening was eye-catching and did shopping in street shops. After finishing our shopping we returned to our place, you will get buses from Tirupati to the railway station all the time. We stayed in a hotel at night and planned our next journey towards Kalahasti. To know more details of a journey towards Kalahasti then click here.

In conclusion, Tirupati is a great destination for a spiritual and cultural experience, and it's easy to travel from Bangalore to Tirupati by road, train, or air. With a host of attractions and pleasant weather conditions, Tirupati is an ideal getaway from Bangalore.

Note: These details are as per my experience on march, 2023. So if there are any changes at the time you read this article or if you have any other suggestions to add then please comment  below because it will help other tourists.